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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Reininger Hootenanny

We did the sides for Reininger's Second Annual Hootenanny and the Reininger folks grilled up some fat steaks with chimichurri sauce. I don't really know what a hootenanny is. Does it have something to do with music and red bandannas?

Menu of Sides:
- Barbeque baked beans
- Grilled red potato salad
- Grilled zuchini, golden garlic, balsamic vinegar
- Mixed greens, goat cheese, strawberries, hazelnuts, honey strawberry champagne vinaigrette
- appetizer: shrimp skewers and cucumber coulis

I have never been a fan of goat cheese strawberry salads. I have nothing against goat cheese with strawberries. Its the salad greens part I don't get. It's like having a sundae on top of lettuce. When Ann from Reininger asked me to make this salad, I did what all caterers do, cheerfully said yes. And then I set out to make a dressing that I thought could marry the two elements that always got me perplexed. And I think I did. The dressing, creamy, full bodied, filled with strawberry flavor and the crisp bite of champagne vinegar was a nice bridge between the greens and berries. This bright pink dressing is now a new favorite of mine.


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